Monday, April 27, 2015

Little Update

Hello wonderful people! Welocme back to my blog. So this past week I have been seacrching up the chords to the song i will be doing. My goal this week is to start playing the song, or at least try to. Im really excited to start playing. 

Im hoping that it will at least sound decent. Since im kind of nervous about playing by myself i think im going to record myself and present that to the class. I really hope that i do really good beacuse i've always wanted to play the guitar. This week i plan on asking my best friend Alexis to help me and i think she will. The guitar seems like a fun and kinda easy insrument. If i can i will try to maybe upload a picture or a little video preview of me playing Check Yes Juliet. 

 So thank you for reading this, have a good day...or good night. (:

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Check Yes Juliet

     Hey guys! So your probably wondering how my project is going. I think its doing pretty good. I started searching up songs that I might do a cover on. So far the song I'm going to do is called Check Yes Juliet by a band called We The Kings. I chose this song because I really love it and the guitar parts are really cool.
     The guitar parts in the song are being played on a electrical guitar. I'm still deciding if I should do the song acoustically with a guitar that I can borrow from my teacher, or electrically. If I do it on a electrical guitar I will need to go find one. So for now I'm thinking of doing it acoustically.
     I'm really excited to start learning the song, and to start learning a little more on how to play it. My next step that I will be doing is searching up the cords for the song so that my friend Alexis can help me play the song. When I present this I'm not sure if I should record me playing the song, or if I should do it live at school. That's something I'll have to be thinking of.
     I wanna say thank you for reading this, and I hope you continue to read my blogs. Hopefully this will turn out with great results. I'll update you later on my project. Bye!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Can I Learn to Play the Guitar in 5 weeks?

Can I Learn to Play the Guitar in 5 weeks?

               Hi, welcome to my blog. As you can tell I am going to try to learn the guitar in five weeks. This all happened because in my English class we have this thing called genius hour. During genius hour we pick a topic of either something we want to do or something we want to learn. As you can tell I picked to learn how to play the guitar.

    I chose this topic because ever since I was little I would listen to Taylor Swift and I always wanted to play the guitar just like her. As a grew up though my parents wanted me to be like my older cousin and play the violin, but inside I still wanted to play the guitar. Now that I have a chance I'm taking it and I'm going to learn what I've always wanted to learn.

      So if you found this interesting and are wondering how I'm going to be doing for the next five weeks come back to see my post and see how I'm doing. I really think that I'm going to like the guitar and hopefully I wont do that bad. Even if I fail at learning the guitar I will still be proud of myself because I actually tried. That's all for today, so as they say bye in France, au reviour!